
Reference Service
For information about the history of Pitzer College, or help with any aspect of research in the Archives, please contact archivist Stacy Elliott.

我们鼓励你预约参观档案馆或在办公时间到访. 档案馆配备了桌子、插座和笔记本电脑的无线接入.

档案资料的影印及复制工作由职员负责. Personal scanning devices are not allowed in the Archives; digital cameras are permitted.

Class and Campus Presentations
值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台档案馆的工作人员想要提高你对值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台历史的兴趣. 档案保管员乐意并愿意为教职员工提供任何资源和帮助, as well as other institutions.

When possible, Pitzer学院档案馆的工作人员将为研究目的提供不受限制的材料的复印件和复制品. 我们保留拒绝任何违反版权法的复制请求的权利, damage the original item, or place undue stress on the resources of the Archives. 使用或发布我们馆藏的文本或图像必须从档案馆获得许可.

The copyright law of the United States

(Title 17, 《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》(United States Code)规定了复印或其他复制版权材料的行为. Under certain conditions, known as “fair use,“法律规定,图书馆和档案馆有权提供影印本或其他复制品供私人研究, scholarship, or research. If a user makes a request for, or later uses, 为超出上述目的的影印或复制品, that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

Researchers are liable to the creator, any heirs, owner or copyright holder, 任何侵犯其权利或滥用复制品的行为. 未经合法版权所有者和作为实物财产所有者的档案馆的许可,研究人员不得出版或复制任何材料. The staff of the Pitzer College Archives does not sell these copies for profit; it merely allows the copying at the request of researchers.

For more information, see Terms of Use (U.S. Copyright Law).


Permissions and Publication Information
Pitzer学院档案馆将允许出版来自档案馆的视听材料,前提是出版商承担清除复制权和任何侵犯美国法律的责任.S. Copyright Code. 出版商必须获得以下方面的书面许可:a)版权所有者, his or her heirs or assigns; b) from the Pitzer College Archives, owner of the original materials, before publishing or otherwise reproducing copyrighted materials.

Permission is granted under the following conditions:

  1. 许可仅用于一次性使用(除非有特殊例外),并且用于“发布许可合同”中列出的目的.” Any subsequent use (including subsequent editions, paperback editions, foreign language editions, etc.),构成重复使用,必须另行书面申请. An additional fee will be charged for each subsequent edition. “多种格式费”仅适用于同一作品“版本”的不同格式.g. (一本书的光盘版本或电视纪录片的录像).
  2. Credit line should read “Pitzer College Archives.如果摄影师的名字是已知的或可以确定的,也必须包括在信用额度中. This credit line must be included with each image.
  3. A copy of all works in which the moving/still image or recording appears must be sent to the Pitzer College Archives at the time of publication; but if the work contains no more than two of the Pitzer College Archives’ images or recordings at the time of publication, 标题页和包含图片和致谢的页面的校样或页纸就足够了. With videos, CD-ROM, films, slide shows, 出版商应发送标题框架的静态照片或副本以及显示字幕的框架, or promotional materials.
  4. 除缩小和放大外,对原始图像的任何更改都应在随附的标题或标签中注明.
  5. 复制品必须直接从Pitzer学院档案馆购买,不得从外部出版或未出版的来源(包括Pitzer学院档案馆网站)以任何方式获得或复制。.
  6. Publisher agrees not to permit others to reproduce the image or recording or any facsimile of it; not to reproduce the image on a dust jacket, end paper, advertisement, or any commercial use of a similar nature without permission and without paying an additional permission fee; and not to mass-reproduce as unbound material unless specifically authorized by a letter of permission.
  7. In authorizing the publication of an image or recording, 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台档案馆并没有放弃自己的出版权, or to grant permission to others to do so.
  8. 如果允许出版方自己拍摄Pitzer学院档案中的任何视觉材料, 所有产生的图像必须在使用后提供给匹泽学院档案馆.
  9. The Pitzer College Archives reserves the right to limit the number of images; to restrict the use or reproduction of rare or valuable material; to make special quotations on material involving unusual difficulty in copying; and to charge a higher copying fee than specified. 除经特别安排外,不向图片机构提供副本.

上述条件的任何例外或补充将出现在, and be considered part of, the contract.