家庭周末2023照片 & 时间表




9 a.m.–6 p.m.

Registration, Check-in, 和 Information Center
金牌学生健康 & Wellness Center, Multipurpose Room
拿起你的名牌,免费的手提袋,活动安排,和一个充满活力的零食. Shop the 比萨店 和 enjoy your new Pitzer gear! 我们设计了注册和入住流程,使其流畅高效, ensuring you spend more time enjoying the festivities, 排队的时间也更少. 你也将有机会见到家庭领导委员会的成员.

9 a.m.–6 p.m.

家庭休息室 和值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台商店
McConnell Center, Living Room
欢迎来到家庭休息室,这是我们校园舒适和联系的中心. 花点时间去家庭休息室休养生息,并与其他家庭建立联系.

10–11 a.m.

Meet at 广泛的中心 East Patio
通过学生带领的徒步旅行,以全新的方式探索匹泽. 让我们热情的学生导游带领你踏上一段充满知识的旅程, 故事, 和 unforgettable experiences. 无论你是历史爱好者,美食家,或者只是好奇,这里都有适合每个人的旅游. You’ll visit McConnell Center Dining Hall, 学生宿舍, the 金牌学生健康 和 Wellness Center, 凯克科学中心, 成堆的, 教室, 格罗夫住宅, 还有更多. Tours last approximately one hour. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended.

11 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

Lunch with the Campus Community
McConnell Center, Dining Hall
在我们开始这个充满乐趣的周末之后,我们会去麦康奈尔吃午饭. Mingle with 工作人员 from the Office of Student Affairs 和 see why Pitzer’s dining hall ranks among the best in the country. 我们的餐饮团队以制作多样化和美味的菜单而自豪, 提供广泛的选择,以适应不同的口味和饮食偏好. From savory to sweet, there’s something for everyone.

Noon-5 p.m.

尼克尔斯 Lenzner 艺术画廊
艺术画廊 Fellows will be available for guided tours
during the following times:

2–3 p.m. 和L·布洛克26岁
3–3:30 p.m. 和26岁的佩吉·贝尔德

3–3:30 p.m. 和26岁的温迪·魏

1:15–2:30 p.m.


David Bachman, Professor of Mathematics
弗莱彻大厅 110
ChatGPT is often described as a “statistical algorithm that just predicts the next word in a sequence.” While there is some grain of truth to this, it is a gross oversimplification that leads to a basic misunderst和ing of how ChatGPT really works. Such misconceptions impede intelligent debate on basic philosophical questions such as “Is ChatGPT intelligent?以及更实际的问题,如“ChatGPT对我的工作有什么影响??在这个演讲中, Professor Bachman will pull back the curtain 和 give a non-technical description of how ChatGPT really works, 和 then touch on some of these larger questions

Carmen Fought, Professor of Linguistics
弗莱彻大厅 106
Language 和 Gender in Disney 和 Pixar
Pretty much everyone we meet has a favorite Disney movie. 迪士尼和皮克斯无疑是儿童动画电影的领导者, 他们的电影对全世界的孩子产生了巨大的影响. 因此, it’s worth considering what messages these films are conveying about what it means to be a boy or a girl. 具体来说,他们如何使用语言来延续特定的性别刻板印象. 在这个研讨会上, we will explore how language is represented in Disney 和 how 研究 tools from linguistics might help us answer important questions about the influence of children’s media, 包括随着时间的推移,这些电影中的代表性是如何变化的(或不变的).

34 p.m.

宽阔的大厅 214
Meet the 工作人员 from MCAPS 和 learn about mental health 和 psychological wellness services available to your student through this 5C resource.

34 p.m.

Student-led Campus Tour #2
Meet at 广泛的中心 East Patio
通过学生带领的徒步旅行,以全新的方式探索匹泽. 让我们热情的学生导游带领你踏上一段充满知识的旅程, 故事, 和 unforgettable experiences. 无论你是历史爱好者,美食家,或者只是好奇,这里都有适合每个人的旅游. You’ll visit McConnell Center Dining Hall, 学生宿舍, the 金牌学生健康 和 Wellness Center, 凯克科学中心, 成堆的, 教室, 格罗夫住宅, 还有更多. Tours last approximately one hour. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended.

4–5 p.m.

艺术画廊 Conversation with Marguerite Elliot ’71 和 Professor Emeritus Dan Segal + Q&A
艾弗里大厅 201
Pitzer College 艺术画廊 和 the Pitzer Aesthetics Committee Present: 校友 in Art: Marguerite Elliot ’71, in conversation with Daniel Segal, 名誉教授Jean M. Pitzer人类学教授和历史学名誉教授.
Emeritus Professor Daniel Segal 和 Marguerite Elliot ’71 discuss her participation in The Women’s Building, 从1973年到1991年在洛杉矶的女权主义艺术中心, 和 her environmental sculptures, which comprise a temporary public art installation in the Holden Garden through June 2024.

5–7:30 p.m.

Dinner with the Campus Community
McConnell Center, Dining Hall

当我们邀请您加入我们的晚餐时,踏入一个温暖和团结的世界. This is an opportunity to connect with students, professors, 工作人员 members, 和 visiting families. 在轻松友好的气氛中分享故事、想法和笑声.


8:30 a.m.–6 p.m.

Registration, Check-in, 和 Information Center
金牌学生健康 & Wellness Center, Multipurpose Room
拿起你的名牌,免费的手提袋,活动安排,和一个充满活力的零食. Shop the 比萨店 和 enjoy your new Pitzer gear! 我们设计了注册和入住流程,使其流畅高效, 确保你有更多的时间享受庆祝活动,减少排队的时间. 你也将有机会见到家庭领导委员会的成员.

8:30 a.m.–6 p.m.

家庭休息室 和值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台商店
McConnell Center, Living Room
在我们开始这个充满乐趣的周末之后,我们会去麦康奈尔吃午饭. Mingle with 工作人员 from the Office of Student Affairs 和 see why Pitzer’s dining hall ranks among the best in the country. 我们的餐饮团队以制作多样化和美味的菜单而自豪, 提供广泛的选择,以适应不同的口味和饮食偏好. From savory to sweet, there’s something for everyone.

9–10 a.m.

起床和阳光瑜伽 米歇尔·多德,90岁
在家庭周末的喧嚣中,我们邀请你逃离到一个宁静的绿洲. 我们的瑜伽和正念课程是庆祝活动之后的一次清爽休息, offering participants of all ages an opportunity to rejuvenate their minds 和 bodies amidst the beautiful backdrop of our campus.
Up to 20 yoga mats will be provided

9–11:30 a.m.

McConnell Center, Living Room
甜甜圈与院长是一个愉快和随意的聚会,为学生提供, 教师, 员工也有独特的机会与学院院长进行非正式讨论. 这也反映了学院对促进开放交流的承诺, 协作, 和 community building among its members. 参与者包括:

  • Allen Omoto, Vice President for Academic Affairs 和
  • Susan Phillips, Associate Dean of 教师 和 Director
    for the Robert Redford Conservancy;
  • Phil Zuckerman, Associate 学院院长;
  • Nigel Boyle, Associate Dean 和 Director for IGLAS;
  • Jan Barker Alex和er, Interim Vice President for
    Student Affairs 和 Dean of Students;
  • Kebokile Dengu-Zvobgo, Associate Dean of
  • 索菲亚,华盛顿大学院长.M. 凯克科学系;
  • Leticia Romo, Associate Dean of Students 和 Director
    居住生活 & 会议服务;
  • Joe Koluder, Assistant Dean of Residential
    Engagement 和 Community St和ards;
  • Alayna Session-Goins, Assistant Dean of Campus Life;
  • Stephanie Hannant, Assistant Dean of Mental Health &

10–11 a.m.

Meet at 广泛的中心 East Patio
通过学生带领的徒步旅行,以全新的方式探索匹泽. 让我们热情的学生导游带领你踏上一段充满知识的旅程, 故事, 和 unforgettable experiences. 无论你是历史爱好者,美食家,或者只是好奇,这里都有适合每个人的旅游. You’ll visit McConnell Center Dining Hall, 学生宿舍, the 金牌学生健康 和 Wellness Center, 凯克科学中心, 成堆的, 教室, 格罗夫住宅, 还有更多. Tours last approximately one hour. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended.

10–11 a.m.

校友 Panel: From Student to Career Success
艾弗里大厅 201
加入我们,在校友小组中获得启发和激励的经验. It’s an opportunity to connect with accomplished alumni, 获得有价值的见解, 建立有意义的联系,这对你的学术和职业生涯都有好处. Participants include Danny Camarena ’23, Catherine Caporale, 90年, 校友 Board President Mark Cunningham ’89, 米歇尔·多德,90岁, 校友 Board member Meena Duguay ’93, 伯尼·赫尔南德斯,23岁, Trustee Louise Thornton ’68, 和 校友 Board member Susie Warren ’78.

10–11 a.m.

Tour of the Nucleus led by UJ Sofia, Dean of W. M. 凯克科学系
在W见面.M. 凯克科学中心 东入口
加入我们,通过我们的新科学中心大开眼界和教育之旅. 这是一个见证科学教育令人兴奋的进步的机会, 研究, 和 discovery that define our institution. The Nucleus is a state-of-the-art Pitzer-Scripps Colleges science center that is scheduled to open in fall 2024.
*20 guests max; closed-toed shoes required

10:30 a.m.–1 p.m.

Brunch with the Campus Community
McConnell Center, Dining Hall
我们邀请您加入我们与校园社区共进早午餐. This cherished tradition unites students, 教师, 工作人员, 和 friends over a scrumptious brunch spread. It’s more than just a meal; it’s an opportunity to forge connections, 分享故事, 庆祝我们学术大家庭的多样性. You’ll also have an opportunity to hear from Pitzer’s 家庭领导委员会.

11 a.m.–12 p.m.

Study Abroad Panel: Student 和 校友 Perspectives
弗莱彻大厅 104
主持人:Sayjal Waddy ' 07,留学部副主任 & Inter国家 Programs Services. This session will explore the variety 和 vitality of our study abroad 和 inter国家 项目 和 the impact that they have on our students’ appreciation for global diversity. 25岁的布琳·安德森,24岁的普拉提亚·普萨拉,26岁的安德烈·Šarapov.

1:15–2:30 p.m.

下午讲座系列 #1

Andre Wakefield, Professor of History
广泛的中心 208
其他人会这么做, 作为欺骗和操纵他人的东西——毛主义海报, 苏联报纸, 东德电影. 我们大多数人现在都认识到,美国也有自己的宣传形式, but that often seems like someone else’s problem. 我打算把宣传作为一种结构,作为现代性的同义词. 现代
propag和a is ubiquitous; it maintains the world as we find it. 我们来谈谈.

Steffanie Guillermo, Associate Professor of Psychology
弗莱彻大厅 104
在这个讲座中, Professor Guillermo will present her 研究 on the implications of stereotyping racial/ethnic groups as threatening or criminal. 她将讨论在视觉感知和决策中迅速展开的偏见, within hundreds of milliseconds. She will also talk about the role of threat stereotypes in contexts like attitudes towards police use of force 和 views on immigration policies. The lecture will conclude with strategies for intervening on these biases to promote racial justice.

2:45–4 p.m.

下午讲座系列 #2

布莱恩·L. Keeley, Professor of Philosophy
弗莱彻大厅 106
Synesthesia 和 the Philosophy of Perception
Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which individuals have experiences normally associated with one sense when presented with stimuli typically associated with another sense (or another element of a sense). A common example is color-grapheme synesthesia (experiencing colors when presented with printed letters or numbers). 更罕见的形式包括在嘴里品尝某种东西时体验某种形状. Synesthesia raises a number of interesting questions in philosophy of science (how can we confirm that the phenomenon is perceptual)? 它也可以作为一种工具来更多地了解思维/大脑是如何工作的. 在这个演讲中, Professor Keeley will present the phenomenon 和 discuss how it shows up in some of his classes

2:45–4 p.m.

Outdoor Classroom, near Grove House
“A cup of tea solves everything.“匹泽学生花园俱乐部邀请您参加学生花园的收获, where you’ll create your own “Pitzer blend” tea sachets using the garden’s tea plants 和 leaves. 学习采摘植物的艺术,为您完美的混合茶. 热水将为您提供个性化的一杯茶.

3–4 p.m.

Student Clubs 和 Organizations Open House
金牌学生健康 & Wellness Center, Multipurpose Room
与我们各种各样的学生俱乐部和组织联系, each offering unique experiences 和 opportunities for you to explore your interests 和 passions. This is a chance to explore the vibrant tapestry of student life on our campus 和 discover countless opportunities for involvement 和 personal growth.

34 p.m.

Meet at 广泛的中心 East Patio
通过学生带领的徒步旅行,以全新的方式探索匹泽. 让我们热情的学生导游带领你踏上一段充满知识的旅程, 故事, 和 unforgettable experiences. 无论你是历史爱好者,美食家,或者只是好奇,这里都有适合每个人的旅游. You’ll visit McConnell Center Dining Hall, 学生宿舍, the 金牌学生健康 和 Wellness Center, 凯克科学中心, 成堆的, 教室, 格罗夫住宅, 还有更多. Tours last approximately one hour. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended.

4:15–5 p.m.

State of the College with President Strom 查克
乔治·C.S. 本森礼堂
College address with President Strom C. 查克. This annual address is a significant occasion where our college community comes together to reflect
on our past achievements, assess our current st和ing, 和 chart the course for our future endeavors.

5:15–7:15 p.m.

McConnell Center, Dining Hall
This momentous occasion brings together students, 教师, 工作人员, 和 honored guests to celebrate the accomplishments, 里程碑, 和 vibrant spirit of our academic community. Don’t forget to wear your Pitzer orange!

79 p.m.

山丘上的S 'mores 午夜的回声
The Mounds (Pellissier Mall)麦康奈尔中心
和我们一起在山丘上的S 'mores度过一个愉快的炉边之夜. It’s an opportunity to escape the ordinary, indulge in a timeless treat, 并在温暖的火坑周围与其他与会者联系. 现场演出由我们自己的午夜回声,一个5C无伴奏合唱团.


9–11 a.m.

家庭领导委员会 Open Meeting 和 Brunch
广泛的中心, Performance Space
Join us for a unique experience as we come together for a meal with the 家庭领导委员会, a dedicated group of families who play an integral role in shaping the future of our institution. All families are welcome to attend.

9:15–10:15 a.m.

Rise 和 Shine Walking Club
Get ready to step into a world of togetherness, 新鲜的空气, 和 exploration as you join the Walking Club for a delightful morning of exploration 和 bonding. This is a perfect opportunity for students, 他们的家庭, 和 friends to enjoy a leisurely walk through the Claremont Colleges while creating cherished memories 和 forging meaningful connections.

10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Brunch with the Campus Community
McConnell Center, Dining Hall
我们邀请您加入我们与校园社区共进早午餐. This cherished tradition unites students, 教师, 工作人员, 和 friends over a scrumptious brunch spread. It’s more than just a meal; it’s an opportunity to forge connections, 分享故事, 庆祝我们学术大家庭的多样性

Sunday FUNday in Claremont Village
在你的学生称之为家的城市里和全家人一起出去玩! Enjoy all that our special town has to offer:

8 a.m.–1 p.m.

Claremont Farmers 和 Artisans Market
The Claremont Farmers 和 Artisans Market was founded in 1996 to connect California farmers 和 artisans to the local community. Now more than 100 growers 和 artisans share their goods 和 services throughout the year. Proceeds from each market also help to support service projects, such as the Prison Library Project. The market is located in the Claremont Village on Harvard Avenue between First Street 和 Bonita Avenue.

8 a.m.–5 p.m.

加州植物园是一个活生生的博物馆,收藏了超过22种植物,000 California native plants.

For more information, visit www.calbg.org.

Noon-4 p.m.

Claremont Lewis Museum of Art
The Claremont Lewis Museum of Art celebrates the community’s rich artistic legacy 和 promotes the cultural vitality of the region.

For more information, visit www.claremontmuseum.org

*This schedule is subject to change.

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