餐计划 & 克莱尔蒙特现金



(每种膳食计划的费用可以在主菜单上找到 比萨的学费 & 收费的网站.)

  • 19 meal plan – 19 meals in a one week period including $190 flex dollars per semester
  • 16 meal plan – 16 meals in a one week period including $160 flex dollars per semester
  • 14 meal plan – 14 meals in a one week period including $140 flex dollars per semester
  • 12 meal plan – 12 meals in a one week period including $120 flex dollars per semester
  • 5餐计划——一周5餐, 没有弹性美元(仅适用于CCA居民), 校外的学生, or those who have been approved for a reduced meal plan)
  • 0膳食计划-没有膳食计划(校外学生), or those who have been approved for a reduced meal plan).

吃饭时间工作日有三个用餐时间(早餐), lunch and dinner) and two meal periods on weekends (brunch and dinner). 每周有19次用餐时间. 参加16餐计划的学生通常会使用他们的灵活性, 克莱尔蒙特现金, 或者每周在校外额外用餐. Extra meals will not carry over each week (we still made the food!),每周日重置.

膳食计划日期: The meal plan is typically active starting on brunch on returning student move-in day (for fall and spring semesters) and ends at dinner on the day before the residence halls close (for winter break and summer break).

膳食计划改变: Meal plans can only be decreased until two weeks prior to the first day of classes each semester. Meal plans can be increased at any time, with costs prorated to the written requested date. 要更改您的膳食计划,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)

Flex美元 (有时被称为板+)包含在19, 16, 14, and 12 meal plans (there are NO flex dollars with the 5 meal plan) and can be used for additional meals/snacks at any of the Claremont Colleges dining halls and wide array of eateries (林的房子, 进站咖啡馆, 勒索咖啡馆, 等.). 不能购买额外的弹性美元, however students can also use 克莱尔蒙特现金 for additional meals/snacks.

克莱尔蒙特现金, 用在学生证上的信用卡, 也可以用来洗衣吗, 自动售货机, 额外的食堂餐点, both food and non-food items throughout the Claremont Colleges and at select merchants in the Claremont Village. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://cards.cuc.claremont.edu/

麦康奈尔食堂餐费:供没有膳食计划的学生使用, who want to use their flex/board plus dollars for an extra meal, 或者谁想刷卡入住客人, 请参考门价:

  • 早餐
    • 客人14美元.75
    • 教师/员工8美元.25
    • 董事会加$5.00
  • 午餐/早午餐
    • 客人17美元.75
    • 教员/员工10美元.00
    • 董事会加$6.00
  • 晚餐
    • 客人20美元.75
    • 教师/员工11美元.75
    • 董事会加$7.50
  • 儿童(5-12岁) $7.00
  • 注:
    • 教师/工作人员 rate given only with a valid Claremont College ID Card.
    • 板+ rate used exclusively with dollars available on student meal plan.

绿色的盒子/翻盖: Students are given one green box each academic year. Students will pick-up the green box at a dining location and swipe their ID card to indicate they have checked it out. Students may then return a dirty green box and pick-up a fresh one for use at any dining hall location. Or, students may simply return a dirty green box and deposit it back to their account to use another day.

  • 外带翻盖: $0.75
  • 外带杯: $0.50
  • 可重复使用的翻盖盒: $6.50
  • 可重复使用的杯子: $3.50


  • The dining hall has vegetarian and vegan meal options for each entrée.  
  • 有特殊饮食的学生, 需要高热量的食物, or have specific food allergies are encouraged to indicate this on their 住房 Application. 这些信息将提供给食堂. Students who require specialized dietary planning should contact Pitzer’s Dining Manager, 米盖尔 Menjivar,讨论膳食安排. 

减少膳食计划的应用: All Main Campus Residents who are required to be on at least the 12 meal plan (CCA residents can select a 5 meal plan). Students may request a lower plan due to financial or medical accommodation by requesting an application from (电子邮件保护) 审查.

  • Students applying for a reduced meal plan status due to a medical or financial consideration must provide documentation stating why they are unable to be on the minimum meal plan. Applications will be reviewed in consultation between the Dining Manager and/or Case Manager to evaluate if Dining 服务 can formulate a meal plan that meets the student’s dietary needs. If they are unable to meet the student’s dietary needs, 居住生活 will be informed of the approval and update the meal plan.
  • All students are financially responsible for meal plan costs until notified in writing that there has been a change of status.


  • 秋季假期和感恩节假期 -宿舍保持开放 and the meal plans remain active.  The hours and location of the available dining services WILL change and will be emailed to the community before the break.
  • 寒假 -宿舍关闭, 膳食计划是无效的, 通常所有的食堂也会关门.
  • 春假 -宿舍保持开放, 膳食计划将继续有效, and the hours/location of the available dining services WILL change and will be emailed to the community before the break.
  • 夏天 – Meal plans are NOT available, but 克莱尔蒙特现金 is still an option.  Dining Halls have limited hours and the schedules will vary.
  • 早到(秋季及春季) – Students approved for Early Arrival through an Approved Group/Advisor may have pre-board plans coordinated, 这取决于小组. Students individually approved for Early Arrival may not have access to the Dining Hall pre-board plan. 请值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台 (电子邮件保护) 查询更多.
  • 晚归(秋季和春季) -宿舍关闭, 膳食计划是无效的, 通常所有的食堂也会关门.


麦康奈尔小酒馆, 位于麦康奈尔中心, is the main dining hall on campus and serves breakfast, lunch and dinner on weekdays and brunch and dinner on weekends. Students can use their meal swipes, flex, 克莱尔蒙特现金, or credit card for meals.

停站咖啡馆 位于伯纳德大厅,面对斯科特庭院. The café serves coffee, specialty drinks, gourmet sandwiches, wraps and salads.

Shakedown咖啡馆 is located on the second floor of the Gold Student Center (GSC).

格罗夫小屋 is a craftsman-style home that serves as a restaurant and student center. 格罗夫小屋 kitchen is a student-run restaurant serving delicious homemade dishes made from locally grown food and also caters community events. 格罗夫小屋 is not a part of the student meal plan, 但接受弹性美元/董事会加, 克莱尔蒙特现金, 和现金.