Chicanx-Latinx Studies

As a Chicanx-Latinx Studies student, your exploration of identities, cultures, 和墨西哥-拉丁叙事的经验将为您提供一个更深入的了解我们的互联世界

laila alvarez smiles during graudation ceremony

About This Program

  • 你将学习三个方面的墨西哥-拉丁裔经验. Educacion: Identities, Cultures and Communities; 2. Experiencia: Literature, Music, and Representation; and 3. Sin Fronteras: Experiences in the Americas. 
  • Our program is part of the 墨西哥裔/拉美裔/拉美裔研究校际系(IDCLS)). 它成立于1969年,是美国该领域第二古老的研究部门. 您将可以获得贯穿5c的各种资源. 
  • As a major in the field, 你将沉浸在美籍拉丁裔社区,有社区学习的机会和公民参与的经验. 

At a Glance

Degree Awarded

  • Bachelor of Arts

Field Group

Chicanx-Latinx Studies

Program Type

Area of Study

Chicana/o - latin - o -跨国研究也通过这个项目提供.

Get Involved

portrait of alum Jocelyn Vega-Robledo


Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow Jocelyn Vega-Robledo ‘23, a Sociology and Chicanx Latinx Studies double major, 对农民工家庭的父母参与、经历和贡献与子女学业成就的关系进行研究.

Read the Story
Dia de los muertos display honoring loved ones

Latinx Student Union

Our on-campus Latinx Student Union, located in the Gold Student Center, provides workshops, events, and resources for Latinx students and their allies. 

Pitzer Latinx Student Union

Chicano Latino Student Affairs (CLSA)


CLSA Website

Chicanx-Latinx Studies Program Details

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What You Will Learn

  1. 拉丁美洲人后裔在西半球的历史和经历, 尤其是在美国国内和更广泛的海外移民.  
  2. 如何通过社会阶层等更广泛的社会过程来分析这些经历, global economics, forced and voluntary migrations, social movements, and gender.
  3. 通过参与性研究和以社区为基础的学习与拉美裔社区建立联系.  

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Chicanx-Latinx Studies Field Group

Language Requirement:

所有CLS专业的学生必须完成西班牙语的流利程度 SPAN 044 PZ, an equivalent course, or a language assessment.

Four Required Courses:

  • CHST 015 CH – Intro to Chicanx Latinx Studies (encouraged for 1st/2nd yr) 
  • CHST 120 CH – Fronteras/Borders: Methods & Research 
  • CHST 190 CH – CLS Senior Seminar (fall, senior year)
  • CHST 191 CH – CLS Senior Thesis (spring, senior year) 


  • CHST 192 CH – CLS Senior Project (spring, senior year) 


  • CHLT 061 CH – Contemporary Issues of Chicanas & Latinas 
  • CHLT 072 CH -中美洲研究导论第一部分:历史 & Cultures 
  • CHST 028 CH -中美洲研究导论第二部分:美国当代政治与文化 
  • CHST 077 CH – Chicana-Latina, Gender & Popular Culture 
  • HIST 017 CH – Intro to Chicanx Latinx History
  • HIST 032 CH – Latin America Since Independence
  • HIST 034 CH – Mexico; from Indigenous Societies to Modern State
  • PSYC 084 CH – Psychology of the Chicanx Latinx Experience
  • SOC 030 CH – Chicanxs Latinxs in Contemporary Society
  • SPAN 127 CH – Literatura Chicana en Español 

注意:不允许为满足上述要求而重复计算课程. 请咨询你的导师或系主任值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台以下未包括的任何课程. 

  1. Educación: Identities, Cultures and Communities
  2. Experiencia: Literature, Music and Representation
  3. Sin Fronteras: Latinx Experiences in the Americas

1.  Educación: Identities, Cultures and Communities

  • CHLT061 CH – Contemporary Issues of Chicanas & Latinas
  • CHLT110 PZ – Latinx Community Health
  • CHLT115 CH – Gender, Race and Class: Women of Color in the U.S.
  • CHLT157 CH – Latina Activists Work & Protest
  • CHLT166 CH – Chicana Feminist Epistemologies
  • CHLT 170 CH – Black & Indigenous Central Americans
  • CHST077 CH – Chicana - Latina, Gender, and Popular Culture
  • CHST 101 CH – Community Partnerships (CP) CHST125 CH - Latinxs in the 20th Century CHST132 CH – Immigrant Youth: Education, Access, and Activism
  • CHST136 CH – Latinx Social Movements: Identity, Power, and Resistance
  • CHST140 CH – Latinx Activism & Struggles for Sanctuary in the San Gabriel Valley
  • HIST101S CH – Latinx Oral Histories (CP)
  • HIST127 CH – American Inequality
  • POST107 CH – Latino Politics
  • POST118 PZ – The Criminalization of Latinxs & Resistance
  • POST198 CH – God in the Barrio
  • PSYC084 CH – Psychology of the Chicanx Latinx Experience
  • PSYC180N CH – Seminar in Latinx Mental Health
  • PSYC189P PO – Seminar in Health and The Latinx Experience
  • RLST173 CM – US Latino Religions and Politics
  • SOC030 CH – Chicanxs - Latinxs in Contemporary Society
  • SOC114 CH 洛杉矶社区:转型、不平等和行动主义
  • SOC150 CH – Chicanxs - Latinxs and Education
  • SPAN153 PO – Spanglish in Context: Bilingualism in the United States 

2. Experiencia: Literature, Music and Representation   

  • ARHI130 PO – Modern Latin American and Chicanx/Latinx Art
  • ARHI131 PO – Border Art: U.S.-Mexico and Beyond
  • CHST064 CH – Chicanx Music from Genre to Experience
  • CHST066 CH – Fandango as a De-Colonial Tool
  • CHST067 CH – Chicanx Art and Its Antecedents
  • CHST074 CH – Women Who Rock: The Archive, Pop Music and New Media
  • CHST126B CH Contemporary Chicanx Literature
  • CHST130 CH (Re)Claiming Voices & Sharing Stories in Chicanx Latinx Communities
  • CHST182 CH Death Squads and Dictators
  • CHST184D CH – Chicanx Short Fiction
  • CHST185B CH – Narratives of U.S. Mexico Borderlands
  • CHST185C CH – Voices of the Tropics: Latina Literature of the Caribbean
  • CHST186 CH – Seminar in Late 20th Century Chicana Literature
  • CHST187 CH 革命与浪漫:加勒比海及其他地区的拉丁文学
  • MUS130 SC – Rhythm and the Latina Body Politic 

3. Sin Fronteras: Latinx Experiences in the Americas

  • CCHLT060 CH – Women in the Third World
  • CHLT072 CH -中美洲研究导论第一部分:历史和文化
  • CHLT085 PZ – Gender, Radicalism & Revolution: Central American Feminisms
  • CHLT 105 PZ – Undocumented Los Angeles: The Untold Story of Organizing
  • CHLT120 PZ -从“热带”到边疆的移民:当代和历史的观点
  • CHLT 148 PZ -从“热带”到边疆的移民:当代和历史的观点
  • CHLT153 CH – Rural and Urban Social Movements
  • CHLT160 CH – Queering (Im)Migration: LGBTI & Gender Nonconforming Migration from Central America
  • CHST028 CH 中美洲研究导论第二部分:美国当代政治与文化.S.
  • CHST121 CH – Artivistas in the Americas
  • CHST128 CH – Latinx Citizenship: Race, Rights, and Resistance
  • EA099 PO -《网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行》
  • ECON115 PO – Economics of Immigration
  • HIST017 CH – Introduction to Chicanx Latinx History
  • HIST025 CH – All Power to the People! Social Movements for Justice
  • HIST031 CH – Colonial Latin America
  • HIST032 CH – Latin America Since Independence
  • HIST034 CH – Mexico; from Indigenous Societies to Modern State
  • HIST080 PO -自1910年以来美洲的革命、起义、政变和干预
  • HIST101T CH California in the Sixties
  • HIST130 CH -墨西哥-美国边境:侨民、流亡者和难民(CP)
  • HIST132 PO – Political Protest and Social Movements in Latin America
  • POST174 CH – U.S. Immigration Policy
  • POST175 PZ – Immigration and Race in America
  • SPAN131 SC – Representations of Queer Lives in Latin America
  • SPAN140 PO ——从博尔赫斯到“文学生活”:当代拉丁美洲文学与文化中的性别与体裁
  • SPAN142 PO -热带化:拉丁化的跨文化表现
  • SPAN154 SC – Trans-Caribbean Formations: Translating Identity, Race, & Gender in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, & Puerto Rico
  • SPAN183 SC – Interculturality and Bilingualism in the Andes



满足CLS辅修课程的课程之一必须包括服务学习或公民参与部分. This requirement is an overlay. 

以下课程包括服务学习或公民参与部分: CHLT 085 PZ, CHLT 110 PZ, CHLT 148 PZ, CHLT 153 CH, CHLT 157 PZ, CHLT 160 CH, CHST 101 CH, CHST 128 CH, CHST 132 CH, CHST 136 CH, HIST 101S CH, HIST 130 CH, POST 107 CH, SOC 114 CH, SOC 150 CH 


下载可填写的墨西哥裔/拉丁裔/非拉丁裔研究(IDCLS)专业校际部门 & Minor Worksheet. 

Download IDCLS Worksheet [PDF]

辅修拉丁美洲研究需要至少六(6)门相关课程, excluding the Spanish Language classes (SPAN 044 SC or equivalent). 

Language Requirement:

所有CLS未成年人必须证明西班牙语流利完成 SPAN 044 or equivalent competency in Spanish 

Required Course:

  • CHST 015 CH or CHST 028 or CHLT 072 

One course from the list of introductory courses

  • CHLT 061 CH – Contemporary Issues of Chicanas & Latinas
  • CHLT 072 CH -中美洲研究导论第一部分:历史 & Cultures
  • CHST 028 CH -中美洲研究导论第二部分:美国当代政治与文化
  • CHST 077 CH – Chicana-Latina, Gender & Popular Culture
  • HIST 017 CH – Intro to Chicanx Latinx History

One course from each of the three areas of concentration:

          1.  Educación: Identities, Cultures and Communities
          2.  Experiencia: Literature, Music and Representation
          3.  Sin Fronteras: Latinx Experiences in the Americas

One additional course from one of the areas of concentration.


满足CLS辅修课程的课程之一必须包括服务学习或公民参与部分. This requirement is an overlay. 以下课程包括服务学习或公民参与部分: CHLT 085 PZ, CHLT 110 PZ, CHLT 148 PZ, CHLT 153 CH, CHLT 157 PZ, CHLT 160 CH, CHST 101 CH, CHST 128 CH, CHST 132 CH, CHST 136 CH, HIST 101S CH, HIST 130 CH, POST 107 CH, SOC 114 CH, SOC 150 CH 


  1. 首先是了解生活在美洲的奇卡诺人/墨西哥人和其他拉丁美洲人的历史. 
  2. 第二种方法是利用这些经验作为分析更广泛的社会过程(如社会分层)的窗口, global economics, diasporas, forced and voluntary migration, social reproduction, social movements, racial formation, political engagement, interlocking axes of sexuality, gender, race, and social class. 
  3. 第三是通过应用批判教学法将课堂与社区联系起来, participatory research, and community-based learning.

Course Catalog


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Chicanx-Latinx Studies Faculty

我们的墨西哥-拉丁裔研究项目是墨西哥-拉丁裔研究(IDCLS)校际部门的一部分。. 访问IDCLS网站,查看五个国家所有参与的教师.

View all Chicanx-Latinx Studies Faculty
portrait of suyapa portillo in front of a color muraled wall

Suyapa Portillo Villeda

  • Professor of Chicano/a-Latino/a Transnational Studies
portrait of adrian pantoja

Adrian Pantoja

  • Professor of Political Studies/Chicano Studies
  • Political Studies Field Group
  • Chicanx-Latinx Studies Field Group

Contact Us

portrait of suyapa portillo in front of a color muraled wall
Suyapa Portillo Villeda
  • Professor of Chicano/a-Latino/a Transnational Studies

Scott Hall 221

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